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For example, we have a sheet of paper, a canvas, a stave, a piece of marble or wood in front of us. Putting some definite signs on these objects according to the definite rules we’ll get a literary work or scientific text, a picture, a musical composition, a sculpture. As a result we have a completed work. And if a scientific text for example is rather exigent to its content as well as its writing style, a literary work, on the contrary, doesn’t imply monosemanticity of the text perception; here we encounter the so-called possible worlds of one or the other author. The first variant on the one hand has usage of judgements with a definite logical meaning, truth or falsehood as the defining criterion; and it is aimed at a limited number of people (sometimes even due to the difficulty of the theme and perception). On the other hand, we cannot put the same requirements to a literary text. Such a text is aimed at everybody, in spite of age, education, language priorities and so on. A logical meaning of truth is unlikely to be applied to such a text kind (narration, fairy-tale, poem, picture, sculpture, musical composition).

To read a text written by means of letters we are to know not only the letters, but also the rules of constructing these letters into words, the words in sentences and so on. To read a musical composition we should know notes, the rules of writing them and so on. And what should a person know to read a pictorial text? If it is a portrait made in a realistic manner we’ll see and recognize the person depicted. However, we are sure to learn the name of the picture, as the name, perhaps, will be a starting point in our evaluation this work of art as spectators. The same will take place if we have a landscape, a picture by a battle scenes painter or a seascape painter. Then a question arises: how can we read the works by P. J. Pollock, P. Mondrian, S. Dalí? There is a portrayal before us, which requires a spectator’s interpretation, and the name of this work. For instance, the famous work “Lovers” by R. Мagritte is easy enough to describe, understand, explain, i.e. correlate the depicted image with its name, but it will be more difficult to do with the work “A Woman Sitting in an Armchair” by P. Picasso.

01 Мар 2016 в 09:05. В рубриках: Арт-заметки. Автор: admin_lgaki

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