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We very often meet similar kinds of “objectless” images in fairy-tales: “Promise me you do not know him” or “Bring me the thing which cannot exist”. And the most interesting thing is that according to the fairy-tale this desire should be accomplished.

While continuing to analyze “objectless” imaginations, K. Twardowski raises a question, why the meaningful in relation to possible objects cannot find its application to impossible objects. The author says that the mistake of the objectless imaginations defenders is that they take inexistence of the imagination object for its non-being-imagined (Nicht-Vorgestelltwerden). He fairly remarks, that by means of every imagination some object is imagined, whether it exists or not, likewise every name names an object, irrespectively of its existence [19].

The titles-names of the pictures can prove it, for example, “Invisible Man” by S. Dalí, “Ghost and Phantom”, “Swans Reflected in Elephants”. And even if we do not take into account the peculiarities of the titles-names of the works by surrealists, and abstractionists the characters’ names in fairy-tales, myths, and legends will be the illustrations to Twardowski’s ideas.

Thus, K. Twardowski concludes, that the expression “an objectless imagination” concerning content is inherently contradictive. He insists that it is necessary to speak about imaginations, whose objects do not exist, but not about imaginations, which are objectless, i.e. without any correspondent objects [20]; in such a way he actualizes this issue in the context of the “existence” problem.

Thus, we can first of all define two vectors in the characteristics of the text and “the objectless” portrayal correlation. The first one implies considering relations of the represented image (content) and the nomination-name, the second one implies reversal correlation. In both cases there will be an actual issue of the mechanisms and processes of sense formation, on behalf of the author as well as on behalf of a spectator. The relations built between the possible world proposed by the author and its interpretation on the addressee’s side are sure to develop according to the definite rules, prescribed by a definite sign system. Absence of logical meaning of the represented picture of course doesn’t take away the sense of it or the name of its content and in no way transforms it into nonsense. The objectless art determines its way of imagining an object, the properties of this object, not being simply possible information or a system of knowledge, manifested  by an artist. The pictorial form, in which the author expresses the sense of the object imagined by him, is characteristic equally for a sign, a colour spot, a line, and a dot.

01 Мар 2016 в 09:05. В рубриках: Арт-заметки. Автор: admin_lgaki

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